a walk to remember

It’s been awhile since I posted and I really don’t have a good excuse. Actually I have many, but none that I will bore you with 😉

Thanks to all who supported me by buying raffle tickets for the quilt to benefit my walk. The winner was Blaine Schnare .. I am currently working on the label & will ship it soon. Congratulations!!

ali &I at the end of 40 miles!

best cheerleader.. EVER!

I will be making another next year to raffle.. possibly 2, since my daughter, Alison will be walking with me as she will  finally be  old enough 🙂

Some of you may already know, but I am scheduled for a long- awaited surgery at the end of this month that will have me incapacitated for the majority of the summer. Since I do not sit still well at all, I have been busy trying to find projects to help me occupy my 6 weeks of recovery.

One of my projects is learning to English Paper Piece.

My friends at Tumbleweed Quilts have helped me get started on this process.  What a great group of  ladies!!!!
Making hexagons is something that  I believe can only be done by hand, so it is the perfect  project for me to try this summer.

Here is the beginnings of my hexagons


I found this quilt online  and the pattern is Grandmother’s flower garden.  I am trying to find what website that I found this on, but cannot. I will continue to try and in the meantime give credit to whomever made this beautiful quilt!

Given the nature of the quilt, I wanted to make mine with ‘antiquey’  types of fabrics.  The ladies at Tumbleweed Quilts assisted me in picking out circa 1930’s reproduction prints..

1930’s reproduction fabrics

With this print being the center of each flower!!

I am so excited about making this quilt. From the little bit that I have done while learning using my stash, I can tell you that these are VERY addicting.

I have other projects planned as well & will keep up to date with my progress on my blog 🙂

Thanks for reading & stayed tuned for my very next project… decorating my crutches.. I get them tomorrow.

(you didn’t think that I would have boring crutches, did you? )


Breast Cancer Raffle quilt

breast cancer raffle quilt

it’s almost done, but I wanted to post a pic here since it is linked with my Breast Cancer page…

click here for details on raffle tickets to support my 39.3 mile walk in May
michelle’s Avon walk for Breast Cancer Boston 2010

a VERY exciting January!!!

It HAS been very exciting!! mostly because of my new arrival……

my New sewing machine!!!!!.. She arrived this past Friday at about 2:30 pm. She weighed in at about 20 pounds and she is all that I dreamed that she would be.!!.. We are still deciding on  a name for her , so for now we will call her …I’ll get back to you…

I have the quilt top for the ‘Quilts for kids‘ that I was working on finished……

this is a great organization…… for any of you out there  if you contact them, they will send you a pre-cut kit to make your quilt.. all that you need to do is provide the batting .. and the love… They are asking that you match them by making a quilt out of your own stash, but this is because there is such a need for the quilts … so many kids….

I’ve also been working on my circle quilt….. I really don’t have a pattern…. I used a blank CD to cut out the circles… appliqued them on to whit Kona cotton squares ( trying to use up my bobbins from my old machine) …then ….at my daughter’s suggestion, filled in with co-ordinating squares….

this may look like a mess to  you, but I assure you.. this makes PERFECT sense in my head…… really!

I finished a bag for one of my closest friends….

and since I finally gave it to her, I can post this picture…..

I just love my little labels! They make me smile 😉

Last thing that I’ve done is (in trying to use up scraps) made this little square

It is going to be the front of a messenger-style purse for me…(somehow.. I just haven’t figured out how)  I made it with some of my favorite Amy Butler fabrics…….

ok… I’m off to play wii fit with my daughter.. and think of how to turn that square up there in a purse…

Happy Sunday!!!!


What??? 2010???

If there is anyone out there who cares.. yes, I am still here 😉 I haven’t posted since November , but I have been sewing up a storm…

I took the majority of the month of December to create a cookie blog…. quite counter-active to all of my weight watcher stuff… but.. I had a blast doing it & wouldn’t change that for the world.

or the 10 pounds that I put on….

During all of this I was sewing my little heart out making quilts

for loved ones…

Frenchy bags for friends & family.. I’ve made many, and won’t bore you with all of the photos, but here is my daughter-in-law Amanda Christmas morning obviously very excited !!

and making my own version of the snuggy… the michnugglie!

… so the Christmas decorations are put away… the cookies are in the freezer ( for the occasional snack for the rest of the family) and I am back to(one of my most)  favorite hobbies.. sewing!!!

I am awaiting my new sewing machine *big smile* and in the mean time I am working on many projects that I have started… oh yeah, wait, they are called ufo’s, right?

I have started by working on yet another quilt for Quilts for kids… an organization in need of many quilts for so many children… I thought to myself, ‘self, what better way to start of the new year than to make another quilt for a child who will love it’..

so here is the start of it….

That floral part is actually my new ironing board cover… after 20 years of the same one, it was time… man, what a difference!!!

I hope that this bright colored quilt will make some child very happy….

I am also working on a belated Christmas gift ( hey, I’m not perfect ) for someone who means a lot to me…

I am still playing around with how to actually put it all together, but it is based on this quilt from one of my favorite bloggers who sadly has just signed off…..

Amanda Jean

Thank you Amanda! you have helped & inspired me so!!!

so as I await my new machine, emptying my bobbins one by one, appliquéing circles, and creating happiness in a colorful animal quilts, I want to say, “Happy New Year!!” to all ( if any ) of you are reading.

I feel a very creative year has just begun 😉
