fresh. start.

Wow… 2018 is upon us. Damn that went fast 😳

Personally, I’m excited to bid 2017 farewell. Looking back it has been a year of extremes. The one pattern that I see over and over is love and loss.

So much love.

Unconditional love. That warm fuzzy feeling of excitement of big things to come.

Love that makes you want to take the pain of others and have it yourself so that you no longer need to see suffering

So much loss.

Loss of loved ones, loss of dignity, loss of self.

Throughout much of ’17, I felt much like the guy at the carnival, sitting on the ledge about water while others threw balls at the target trying to knock him down into the water.

And 99% of the time, I ended up in the drink (see what I did there?). Soaking wet.

Whelp… tonight at midnight starts a new chapter. I’m not much on the word ‘resolution’. It seems so final. So formal.

I’m using the word ‘plan’

I’m heading straight into the storm of 2018 with a plan. A plan and a safety net. And a safety net for my safety net.

Ive read that Japanese have a word for fixing what’s broke. Kintsugi. They take what’s broken and fix it with gold so that it is even more beautiful. The ‘scars’ so to speak remind you of how strong and beautiful an item can be, regardless of it’s past.

Sometimes the scars that hurt the worst are the ones that can’t be seen.

nger have the handle, nor the gold, but I see beauty in my broken mug ☺️

There are so many that I'd like to thank. You know who you are and you know what you did. And you are amazing. And I am one blessed lady.

Legend has it that if you burn a bayberry candle on new years' eve, it will bring abundance in the year to come

it’s not too late to get a bayberry candle to burn tonight…. 😉

My words for 2018 are gratitude and grace. Gratitude for all that has brought me to where I am today, and grace for learning that even stars can fall.

I’ve come a long way.. but I still have a ways to go. I’m ready. I’m prepared. I’m loved. I’m learning to love myself.💜

I wish anyone reading this a very happy and healthy 2018.

I’ll see you further down up the road.

With grace and gratitude 💕


thug kitchen’s chickpea tabouli 

hint… She’s not wearing any shoes 😉

Yup… I’m back at it. Actually I’ve been cooking an awful lot. I’ve come to realize what great therapy it is for me!

There’s so much I want to share with you, that I have literally been sitting at my kitchen table for an hour trying to decide which ones I should write about.

I’m in a bit of a snark this weekend, so I decided on the off-color recipe ( actually it has a lot of color!)

Have y’all heard of Thug Kitchen ?

It’s a couple of peeps who like to use 4 letter words.. The really colorful ones..

They started a blog and recently released a cookbook ( if you aren’t easily offended, I urge you to google thug kitchen cookbook trailer… I laugh every time that I watch it… If you are easily offended, then don’t research it or click on the link to the recipe I’m about to share )

They cook plant- based foods… Yes, vegan…. Trust me, don’t let that stop you from trying their recipes… Just throw a steak on the grill and make it into a side dish 🙂

I’ve made 3 recipes from the blog this week

Pasta with cauliflower cream sauce


Buffalo Falafal ( didn’t take a picture, but hot dang these were tasty )

And chickpea tabbouleh ..
amazing! )


It was just as fun to make as it was to eat


I’ve also been doing a ton of canning… I mean LOTS!



I’m channeling my inner homesteader… I find the entire process very soothing.. I think it’s the organization part of it…

In fact I have 2 big pots of beets ( one red, one golden) on the stove right now getting ready to be pickled!

I leave you with a picture of the tree right outside our bedroom window.


Nature’s art 💝

Happy autumn! I have so much to share!


painted dreams

I’m painting Ali’s room ( with a super- fun idea… More info to come soon 🙂 and it just occurred to me how much of what is happening right now is truly a dream come true .

More to come soon. I’ve been struggling with WordPress this week. I have a bunch of partial posts … Don’t be surprised if a whole bunch come at once

Lots of pics soon! I’ve been going non stop unpacking and decorating ..

House tour soon!



weekend snapshot part 2

So I left you at Saturday night. I forgot to mention that we did a little furniture window shopping saturday afternoon, We currently have 2 sectionals, one in our living room and one in our finished basement .

Our new house is considerably smaller than our current house so we need to do major downsizing ( which is perfectly ok by me ) neither of our sofas will fit in our new living room so we will be selling one, and buying a smaller sofa.

I found one that I really liked. The floor model had it in off white ( which I loved) but with a black haired dog, I new it wasn’t practical. ( isn’t it protocol for empty – nesters to run out and buy a white sofa 😉 ). Just kidding….actually, I’m not.. I loved the white but It also comes in a granite color, so I think that’s what we will go with.

At first Scott liked it, then he said he didn’t ( I think he was just razzing me) but in the end he sent me the dimensions of the living room to make sure it will fit.

He had to go into the office on Sunday, so I was on my own. Which was ok, because I had developed either a

Head cold
Sinus infection or
Altitude issues.
Or maybe a little bit of each …

either way, it really knocked me down. I’m sure the fact that I’ve been going a mile a minute for 6 weeks then just stopped didn’t help

I spent the day cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, dishes and going through magazines for decorating ideas and checking out websites for ideas.
All while watching 80’s movies in the background.

It was actually fun to clean the small space! Almost like playing house 😉

I have 2 Queen Anne chairs that I love, but the slipcovers are worn. Like beyond saving- worn.
But the slipcovers themselves are soo expensive! I did a little research and I think I’m going to attempt making my own slipcovers. Ill make a prototype using inexpensive fabric to start and if all goes well, then ill splurge on a fabric that I like. * wish me luck!!*

I’ve been looking at fabric collections and found a few that I really like!



I love co-ordinating fabrics and how they can feel so cozy.

The other thing that I’m going to do Is attempt roman shades ( also in coordinating fabric) for my kitchen. I did a lot of reading on how to make them and again, I think I can…. I think I can… I think I can……..

We also need to do some re arranging of our bedroom sets. Ali’s set won’t fit in her room. My current thought is to keep the dresser and nightstand and desk ( all white) but put her full headboard away and get her a twin white headboard instead.

Scott’s armoire won’t fit in our room so my thought is to put it in Ryan’s room and find a full wooden headboard that coordinates and use Ali’s full mattress in there.

I’m going to start hitting up yard sales and furniture consignment shops this weekend.

Monday I went back to super target to buy groceries for Scott since he doesn’t have a car there once I leave ( something else we are trying to figure out)

I went back to the apartment and made home a big batch of kale soup for a few dinners,




and stocked his freezer and cabinets with food for the next 3 weeks.

Our open house went well .. Our real estate agent said there was lots of positive feedback, which is nice considering how hard I worked to get the house to where it is now.

By the time you read this I will be home and ready to hit the ground running again. I have. Furniture to bring to a consignment store, as well as sports equipment, clothes, etc…..

In the next 6 weeks I will have

Bought a house in Colorado
* hopefully* sold a house in Massachusetts ( updated… We are under contract!!!!)
Shipped my beloved Zola to Colorado
Have Ali’s senior prom
Cheer Ali and lex on as they walk 40 miles for breast cancer
Have all of my kids home for 1 week ( graduation week)
Watch my daughter graduate high school
Celebrate Scott and my 24 th wedding anniversary
* hopefully* find a place for Ali and I to live for June and July
Remember to breathe 😉

I’m starting right now with that last one. The only way I’m getting through all of this is one day at a time.

As I leave I just wanted to share this pic. The events at the finish line of the Boston marathon hit too close to home. I had friends sitting in the stands where one of the bombs that did not go off were found. Too scary. And the crazy manhunt and additional death and injury of the policemen.. There are no words…

Even though I’m ready to make a new life in the Rocky Mountains, my heart will always be in Boston …
