watermelon-habanaro granita… with tequila!

happy Friday, friends.  I hope y’all have fun plans this weekend. 

Whether you have plans or not, you need to try this.  You will by far be the life of the party if you bring it to a friends’. Or you can be like me and be the life of my own party on my deck. 

My dear friend, Celia over at River Cat Chili in the heart of Austin, Tx, send me ( actually she sent Ryan the habaneros).  She grows all of her own peppers! 

She sent him chocolate habanero.. Check this out! 


Let me tell you… These are spiceeeeey! 





watermelon-habanero granita. ( plus a bonus 😎)

2 cups seedless watermelon

Juice from 1/2 a lemon

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 thin slice habanero pepper 

Start by blending all ingredients in a blender. 

Pour mixture in freezer-safe dish and cover. 

Place in freezer.  Every 1/2 hour to 45 minutes, use the tines of a fork and scrape the top layer. ( mine took about 3 hours to be perfect) 


Serve I a chilled glass with a sprig of mint and or a squeeze of lemon or lime juice 

 You could stop here…. 

OR…  You can do what I’m going to do this weekend… 


I’m pouring that baby right over that glass and kicking my feet up! 

Enjoy your weekend!  

Ps… Another exciting giveaway coming up next week! 

watermelon times three

Ya’ll may have given up on me posting tonight.. I mean it’s almost 9 pm .. where the heck has she been?

Training for a race, that’s where 🙂 🙂 🙂

So let’s talk watermelon. It’s a melon. It’s made of water. Lots and lots of water.

It’s fun to eat in the summer. It’s fun to have it drip all over you bbq shirt. it’s a BLAST to spit the seeds. It is summer in a food

It’s PINK!

I have always loved watermelon. As an adult I started to appreciate it back in the early 90s when I read the book Fit for Life .

(anyone else read it? show of hands? oh.. only me.. that’s cool  :))

Anyhoooo… The preface is that your body is made of mostly water so you should eat mostly food made of water. Also, you should never eat a protein and a carb together, never eat fruit with anything other than fruit..  that you get out int the sun and soak up the free vitamin D.. and most importantly, only eat fruit until noon.

And the fruit should have high water content. Like watermelon. Because it’s made of water.

Are you gettin’ where I’m going here?

Are you smelling what I’m cooking?

watermelon is chock full of water.

*ducks* ok. ok. I get it…  you know what I am trying to say..

soooooo our first recipe will blow you away. Or at least it did me. I saw this earlier this summer on the Rachael Ray show and I was like, ” GENUIS!”

*side note.. I was on the Rachael Ray Show last year.. yeah.. I’m famous ~~  :inspects manicure like I’m important)*

So Rach (I can call her, that, we’re buds)was talking about how watermelon was made of….ok.. you get it, I know, I know!!!

do you know where I’m going with this?

Let’s play a game. Let’s look at some pictures.

look liked plain old cubed watermelon, right?

look again

getting cooler warmer?

ok.. I’ll give it to you… I’m nice like that 🙂

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!  you have figured it out, haven’t you… you are a genius.. you are… YOU ARE!!   She made watermelon ice cubes!!!!  because #$%^&  melon is made of #%$%^ which freezes! GENUIS! 

so to make these watermelon cubes even better.. I added them to this…
tea that Amanda and I found while she was here..( on clearance!).. although I think that you could use any fruit tea.. truth be told, it was her idea to use this tea with the cubes… she also comes from great jeans genes.

brace yourself..

I’ll give you a minute… I understand…

So the next recipe…. Years ago I came up with a brilliant idea to make a watermelon salsa. I was SOO proud of myself and promptly made some for my mom proclaiming my obvious talent.

And while we were eating it, a chain restaurant advertised on tv their ‘new watermelon salsa’

Really? REALLY?  yeah, really.

But in my heart of hearts,. even if the rest of the world was already doing it, I came up with my own in my kitchen, so I’m ok with that 🙂

Watermelon Salsa

2 Cups cubed seedless watermelon

1 bunch cilantro, rinsed, chopped and soaked like we did for the leeks

1/2 red onion, chopped

1 jalapeno, chopped

Zest and juice of 1 lime

Sea salt & pepper

~ everyone in the pot~

and mix :).. seriously…  you CAN do this!

volia!  done 🙂 I like it if it sits overnight but it is reallllllly hard to do… cause it’s




You can top grilled chicken with this, tofuTop a salad… or eat it alone. 

Maybe if you live on the wild side like me, you could put it on vanilla ice cream

*note to self.. buy ice cream tomorrow*

here’s a napkin for you 🙂

Okkkeeddookee…. last recipe…

we are going to get smoky.. and sultry.. and tangy

with watermelon?

um. yes.

Grilled Watermelon Salad

1 thick piece of watermelon, about 2×4.. sprinkle with salt & drain on a paper towel ( I tried to use my tofu press, but it didn’t do much) then rinsed after 10  min

1 tomato, sliced, sprinkled with salt, drained on paper towels ~ I did not rinse the salt of these babies ( I chopped the end up for topping)

1 thick slice of red onion

A few chunks of feta cheese

2 wedges of lime

Olive oil & a pastry brush

Grill pan

Sea salt and pepper

start by making sure that everything is as dry as it can be. Then using pastry brush, brush all veggies with olive oil. Preheat he grill pan until it is super hot then place watermelon, tomato and onion in the pan. then let the pan do it’s work.. don’t play with it!  After about 5 minutes, using tongs, carefully flip them. ( my tomatoes didn’t look so purty.. but they did taste good 🙂

Place the watermelon on a plate, pretty side up, then arrange remaining ingredients ( except lime) on the plate..  Squeeze on wedge of lime over the salad and garnish with another.

this recipe is sensory overload. The smokiness from the watermelon with the sweetness of the onions, the depth from the tomatoes and the zing from the lime juice & saltiness of the feta….. I loved this!

Ic ame up with the idea after seing one of the contestants on Hell’s Kitchen the other night ( don’t tell me the winner, I had to DVR it until Scott comes home this weekend )

I saw a similar combo on the show and have obsessed over it since then.

’cause sometimes I do that..

like with watermelon 🙂

night friends…..

I have a kitchen to clean!


where we were


A day that will we will never forget.

Victims that we will never forget

Heros that we will never forget

Terrorists that we would like to forget

Family who will forever be in our hearts…

It was a day that we held the ones around us just a little bit tighter.. because we could.

this was a day that everyone remembers where they were.. what they were doing and who they were with.

here’s my story…

It was a beautiful Monday morning. The kids had recently gone back to school. I was a cosmetologist with some wonderful clients and I would often go out of my way to accomodate their schedules.

Back in the the the Beauty industry really didn’t work on Monday. They just didn’t.

One of my favorite clients ( they all were, really ) was Mrs. M. That’s what everyone called her.. never by her last name. She was from new Jersey and had a summer home in Chatham, on cape cod.  She was a fabulous cook and we got along perfectly despite that fact that she could have been my grandmother.

(on another note.. she was a hot spook…. she helped set my kitchen up with everything form an ice cream maker to food processor because she was mad at her husband.. I’ll share that story another time )

So I had met her at the salon for a 9 am appt. It was just the two of us.  I didn’t bother to turn on the radio because she didn’t like music… and we would be doing what we always do.. I would be doing her nails & we would be talking food.

Which we did.  For over an hour.

We left the salon together around 10:20 am.

I went to the grocery store, and remember thinking how happy I was.. It was fall, my favorite time of year, I had a great job, happy kids who were busy in a cute school house being educated and I had a beautiful kitchen to cook in and the afternoon to do just that. I left the salon and went to the grocery store.

And stood at the deli and ordered turkey breast.

A man was standing next to me & I turned to him and said ‘” isn’t this nice to not have to wait in line now that the tourists are gone? I’ve missed turkey.”

( if you live on the cape or visit the cape you know that the in the summer the stores are CRAZY to navigate  and the deli line is simply ridiculous.. Everyone wants to buy deli meat to make sandwiches for the beach.. it’s common to wait in line for up to 45 minutes… or just go a summer without deli meat, like I had )

He looked at me blankly and said ‘ ” how can you say that after what just happened… all those poor people”

Now I was really confused because I still had not known.

He said, ” the world trade center was attacked.. planes flew into.. many people died”

The blood went from my face and I left the store, leaving my cart behind.

You see, Scott worked in Boston. a few blocks from the world Trade Center and his company actually had meetings there often.

I quickly drove home ( I lived close) and saw the answering machine blinking.

First message was from my mom ‘ “is Scott ok?”

Second message was from my mother -in -law ” have you heard from Scott?”

Third message… the kids’ school ‘” due the the tragedies of today we are releasing the kids to be dismissed”

I tired calling Scott’s office and did not get an answer.

57 times.

This was before cell phones so I only had the one number.

Sick to my stomach and worried how I was going to raise my kids on my own I sat on the couch and finally turned on the Tv.

It was only then that I realized that it was the World Trade Center in  NYC, not in Boston.

I felt relief, then sadness.. I could not believe what I was seeing.

All of those people, all of those families..

I never did hear from Scott. And I kept worrying about that because at that point, America didn’t know what was next .. it was surreal.

He arrived home almost 3 hours later. HIs company sent everyone home as a safety precaution.. and he never thought to call me to let me know.

he was home safe, but I still kept thinking about all of those people who weren’t so lucky… all of those familes.. lives changed in an instant.

I hugged my kids so tight that day.

A new new generation of Military was born that day… Kids in middle school who quickly learned that they loved their  country and that they would fight to defend it… Years later, I’m proud to say that both my son & nephew were two of those kids.

We all know that sadness and empathy that  came in the days to come. I know this anniversary affects some more than others, so if my thoughts and prayers go out to you if you or your family were directly involved.

I’m off to play with some watermelon, but I felt like I needed to acknowledge this day and share my story…..

what’s your story?

I’ll be back later on


behind the scenes…..

I woke with every intention of sharing 3 watermelon recipes with y’all……  oops..

you know what they say about the best laid plans….  I have however been working behind the scenes




and truthfully, I feel possibly even further behind then when I woke.

There are many things that I like about my blog, but there are also things that I cannot do here and really want to be able to. I plan on being very dedicated to this and if I can’t do everything that i envisioned here, then I need to find somewhere else.

This is where I am lost..  I did purchase my own domaine ( Greek to you.. I know TRUST me me too 😦 ) .. but there is soo much more to know.

where is my magic blog fairy to come set this all up for me so that I can cook and quilt and sew and share…..

I’m not giving up.. I”m just a tad fried right now.

Brushing my teeth today would have been  over-rated.. right? Right.

There’s always tomorrow….. where I pinky promise your watermelon dishes 🙂

ciao bellas!

*why yes, a glass of wine sounds lively right now 🙂 thank you very much!*

born to run


well….. not really… but born to TRY 🙂

T-minus 7 days until my first race. I purposely chose a RACE that was a run/ jog/ walk. I expect that I will be doing 50/50 jog/ walk. My personal goal is to finish within 45 minutes, but if I don’t achieve that, I’ll still be proud.

And be fore warned… not matter how sweaty & red I am once I finish… I will post pics.. because I will be SO proud of myself 🙂

while I’m working on running to me walking for a cure ‘my thing’  This year once cross the finish line of the 2 day- 40 mile Avon walk for breast cancer I will have walked over 360 miles for breast cancer research ( not including the months of training ) and together with my team raised.. are you ready for this..almost $30,000!!  That’s an awful lot of cookie.. and brownies… and spaghetti dinners 😉

In the years passed, we have walked just because we could.. because we wanted to be able to make a difference. I have prayed that my family never had to hear the words, ” you have breast cancer”

This year we will be walking for a personal reason, My stepsister was diagnosed early last month. I won’t go into details, as it is not my place to, But walking for a cure just took on a whole other meaning for us.

I’m also walking for a friend of a friend with 4 small children who also is battling breast cancer.

prayers for all involved would be super cool 😉

In a few weeks, my team and I are doing a smaller walk in Boston to kick off our 2013 training.

This year we are able to have other family members who otherwise could not walk the 40 miles to make a difference ( but are always on the sidelines cheering us one when the going gets tough)

There is a choice of walking 1.5 miles of 6… either one that you chose, you’ll be part of an amazing experience! We are excited to have the extra company and if you are free to join us, please do!

Our team name is Team  Pinkteenies.  Come join us!!

I have been working very hard ove the last few days trying to format my blog & have it come across as who I truly am. ( mind you, I have almost zero technical skills) but I slowly am getting there.  As a result, I have not spent a lot of time in the kitchen ( ironically)  but trust me.. I did work on a few watermelon recipes early this morning and once I have a finished product. I’ll be sharing.

You may want to go out and buy a watermelon in advance.. trust me 🙂

Lastly, before I head out for my little training run ( which admittedly, I’m trying to avoid) I want to shout out to my good friend. Celia, over at River Cat Chili, who is a whizz at this stuff and actually spent time on the phone with me yesterday during a chili competition to walk me through some things that I just could not figure out.. Smooch!  you are the best… ( and she has the puuuritest little voice too 😉 )

Ok.. lacing up my kicks and loading the tunes..  ( and it’s drizzling out…. WHO am I ?? )
