how much is too much?

that my friends is what I ask of you. The majority of you that are reading what I write know me pretty well… so I’m asking you , my core followers & friends a favor…

Over my years of blog reading, I have read some blogs that when I’m done reading a post , I kinda feel down about myself. Some blog posts that I’ve read seem to really just focus on the positive in lives and makes life  look just a little too perfect… When I would sit back and compare, I was feeling a little bit like I have not achieved enough

..Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking anyone’s style of writing, to each their own…that’s what makes the internet the internet. But part of what has made me able to be able to be so accepting of the path that has taken me to where I am today is by living that path.. and trust me, it has been anything but easy.


I want to write and to share, because I find things out along the way that I like to pass on… much they way that I would share with a good friend.. because you are a good friend 🙂

Along the way mistakes, will be made and trust me…. you’ll read about them …. I assure you.

What I’m looking for from you is that if my writing seems to be going in an unfavorable direction, please drop me a message and let  me know.  I’ve gone back and forth on pursuing this blog.. my new project… new ‘baby’ if you will.. and after the response of my first few days re posting & the messages that some of you have sent, I feel like I can do this. I want to do this 🙂

I may succeed, I may fail… but either way I will be giving it my all.  And I would love your suggestions along the way. This is way more than just a food blog. This is me putting myself out there..


Sure I may joke about how ‘awesome’ I am… but TRUST me.. it is all in a joking matter and in fact how I really talk in real life.  In no way shape or from do I think that I am better or worse than the person next to me, just different… And while I do like my ‘different’ understand that comments that I make like that will ALWAYS be meant in a joking term.

So please…. keep after me to go in the right direction

Real quick, before I go… I spent an amazing day on Cape with my mom. She took me out for a nice lunch where she bravely tried a veggie burger and instantly fell in love 🙂

We did a little bit of light shopping and bought a few trinkety things…. more on this tomorrow… and guess what???

I bought a little present for one you YOU!!!  All of the detail tomorrow.  It’s not much, but *I* love it and it is first in a series of give -aways in the weeks to come 🙂

oh.. one last note..


How about a HUGE shout out to my mom…. who after many many years has QUIT SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GO MOM!!!!  I am SOOO Proud of you! I know what a huge hurdle that was for you!!!


LOVE  you oxoxox


g’night friends 🙂


  1. Joyce Lynch says:

    Thanks baby. Had the bestest day. Love you soooo much


  2. Sue Belisle Williams says:

    I love reading your blog ,, and sure time I think to myself wow she has it all, great friends.. A incredible relationship with her sister and wonderfuly family support system,, all things I wish I had,, but instead of making me feel bad about what io think I don’t have you inspire me to do better, be better and to make my life what I want it to be… Seem times there is a little twinge of jealousy I’ll be totally honest about that,, but I think that is human nature,, I think we all feel that twinge at one point or another about someone else…


    • barefootgirl27 says:

      Sue, the only reason that I am as I
      am today is because of the hugely broken road that I road in on.. Trust me.. you can ask any one of my friends and family… Ask Jodie.. I have spent the majority of my adult life incredibly lonely. SO don’t be envious.. it was a long, tough lonely road…. I feel like … I actually I KNOW that I am better off for ALL of it & I’m here now to share and hopefully my journey will help to make others smile & fell better about everything in their lives… the good AND the bad… If you ever want to meet to talk.. I’m all for it… trust me, i could tell you stories that would curl your hair!!!! oxoxoxox


  3. Sue Belisle Williams says:

    Oh and way to go to your mom,, that’s wonderful!!!!! 🙂


  4. Cathy Thomas says:

    I was so happy when she told me she had a veggie burger!!! I was sure however that you made it because you are that awesome!

    Ok so now I am going to be honest… I know this is your blog and I dont want to step on your toes but I felt the need to say what I am going to say!… Ok so I understand you dont want to hurt anyone’s feelings or have anyone think you are a super duper whopping conceited blogger, so I understand you “how much id too much”…but here’s my thing. The reason I love reading your blog is because you are you. When you write I can tell you are sitting in front of me explaining it and laughing along with me. And when you say you are awesome, it’s true, and we all know it and its great that you do too! So I guess I am trying to say dont censor you. Just say it. If someone thinks you are being over the top then they can leave, they dont deserve you and they just are being dodo heads and ruining for all of us!

    So I look forward to you and who you are and you trials and your wonderful triumphs! Hope I didnt step on your toes!!!


    • barefootgirl27 says:

      You didn’t step on my toes, you made me SMILE 🙂 and big giant smile at that 🙂 Isn’t it awesome about mom?? whoop hoop!!!!! We ordered the burger out at lunch, but I did send her home with a recipe and told her how ridiculously easy they are to make and freeze! I made quiche for dinner tonight & thought of you… did I ever share that recipe???


      • Cathy Thomas says:

        Nope but I would love it and I would love your veggie burger recipe as well!
        I am happy you smiled!
        It is awesome that she quit!!!! I am going to come spend a couple days with her as soon as the universe aligns and I can figure out the logistics!

        My email address is


      • barefootgirl27 says:

        I’ll send them to you or maybe post them here in the next few days… and I know you will visit her soon.. just don’t wait too long for the universe to align…… by the time the universe aligns, the moon may be upside down 🙂 oxooxox


      • Cathy Thomas says:

        LOL! That pesky moon! I plan to do it before Thanksgiving!!!!


  5. Keep doing just as you are. I love reading your blog. I also look forward to new entrys. And Congrats to your mom.


  6. I love reading your blog. I feel like I can live vicariously through you and I have to agree with what Sue said above – I admire your family – how close you all are, your relationship with you sister. And yes, sometimes I feel that twing of jealousy, wishing I had that. It doesn’t make me sad for what I don’t have, I am in awe of what you do have.

    I have so many changes ahead of me in the next few weeks and I would love to have you insight on my journey to being at the least a vegaterian or as close to a vegan as I can. I have alot to learn and my reason for going in that direction are purely health reason.
    I will be anxious to try your recipes and learn from you. I love have you are – honest and direct. Just be you, thats who we love. ❤


    • barefootgirl27 says:

      Lynn, you are so sweet 🙂 I admire SOO much about you!! It may surprise you ( and Sue to know that Jodie and I were not always close… in fact there were many years where ‘hate’ would have been the word of choice. But you know what they say about love & hate… it’s a fine line. Jodie and I have been though a lot together and that made us forced to be closer whether we liked it or not… turns out we love it 🙂 We don’t see each other often, but when we do it is quality time 🙂 and always will be. Without her I wouldn’t be where I am and I’m sure she would tell you that without me she wouldn’t be where she is but both for VERY different reasons. It’s a long complicated story, but like any relationship it has had it’s ups and downs and you learn to love and value certain things and let other things go………

      I would love to help you! maybe we should meet one day for a walk or lunch and I can share in depth what I’ve learned… You will get through this! I’ll make sure of it 🙂 xoxooxox thank you for your kind words ❤


  7. Dont change anything about you and how you express yourself. I was actually thinking a couple of weeks ago that I missed your blogs and I was hoping you would start writing again. You are an inspiration to many and I look forward to reading everything you have to offer….You are incredible…Love You!!!


    • barefootgirl27 says:

      I love you too Nik!! I love that you are back in our lives again 🙂 I look forward to seeing cam & Maddie grow.. you are a great mom!!! xooxooxox


  8. Joyce Lynch says:

    Love today’s blog. Thanks



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