The funny thing about tradition…

.. is that you don’t always realize when you are actually starting one. Many years ago, our oldest (then only child) Jason, set out for his first day of kindergarden.

I was soo proud of him ( still am πŸ˜‰ So the school bus picked him up at our front door and I set back inside. Lost. For the first time ever in my life, I was alone. Being such a young mom, I had gone from going to school, to going to work while he was with one of his grandparents during the day & my days off were spent with him, playing, teaching, watching him grow.

But as I walked back in the house, I realized that I really was lost.

Unexpectedly. Lost.

So I set out to my comfort zone, my kitchen.. and decided to bake cookies.

By the time the last batch was done, I heard the brakes of the school bus.. and he was home again.. running up the hill with papers in his hand, full of stories of his first day of school.

We sat on the living room floor while he emptied his back pack, had cookies & milk together while he shared all of his stories with me;)

A year later, as he entered first grade, we had another addition to our home…

Ryan had arrived.. when I sent Jason off on the bus, and Ryan had gone down for a nap…. I baked cookies again..

and a few years later, once Ali had arrived & our core family was complete, when Jay & Ry set off for school,

Ali & I .. you guessed …. baked cookies πŸ™‚

I wasn’t until a few years later, when we had now moved on to our next home, where the bus stop was at the end of the street, so we had to walk home that I realized what I had done……

I walked to the bus stop to get Ry & Ali off of the bus on the first day of school and they both jumped off the bus and ran right by me.. they yelled back to me that they were racing home for the cookies. THAT’S when it occurred to me…

……I had started our very own tradition!

Jason is long out of school… and like I said, I am still very proud of him…

Ryan will enter his Junior year of high school next week..

and Ali started her sophomore year of high school today…….

and despite the fact that it is 95 degrees out, & I don’t have A/C…… you guessed it… I’m baking cookies !!!!

~because you don’t break a tradition πŸ™‚


on another note….. this is what we have deemed ‘breakfast central’ in our house. While is was making Ali’s breakfast this morning…. take a look at who showed up trying to sneak a ride to school in her lunchbox!


  1. Love it β™₯M&M cookies are yummy :)Is that Farkle?! I can see he's still wearing pink….


  2. thanks!! Yes, Poor Farkle is still wearing the princess hat.. poor lad can't seem to find his santa hat……… He's wearing a hat because he isn't used to this heat.. after all, he had to sneak down from the North Pole to try to sneak into Ali's lunch bag….


  3. I want a cookie!


  4. awwwwwwwwwww .. and you are so stinking beautiful.


  5. barefootgirl27 says:

    Cecelia.. this was almost 20 years ago!!! but thanks πŸ˜‰


  6. lmao reading this blog. And I so remember those times. Remember when you & I snuck throught the woods in Eastham, because the kids didn't want you taking pictures of them? Well you got them anyway. That was such a great time and made for an everlasting memoryIsn't it a little early for Farkle to show up? To cold at the North Pole?


  7. barefootgirl27 says:

    Mom.. I always followed the school bus on the first day of school ( a few cars back, incognito) πŸ˜‰ Just to make sure they made it to the right teacher when they got off of the bus!! Yes, I do remember hiding in the bushes & stalking pictures of them!

    I don’t know what was up with Farkle…. I really think that he wanted to go to school.. we haven’t seen him around here since…


  8. Sista ~ it is because of you that I am a school bus stalker. The best part was this year..Alexis didn’t have to be to school ’til 9am…. and she was so excited… she said ‘ Mom.. I get to stalk Mollie’s bus with you’… and in the next breath..’ but mom..this will be the last year you will drive me to school…next year I can drive myself’…wow…they grow so fast!


    • barefootgirl27 says:

      sista… the fact that I no longer need to drive either of the kids to school this year is very sad for me….. how did this happen so fast?



  1. […] realized it, I decided to make a change. OUR thanksgiving would be born. It would incorporateΒ traditions from both Scott’s family as well as […]


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