hey… you!! yes…YOU!!

I’m talking to you, my lone follower, Michelle.  Thanks for reading. Future Michelle  will appreciate this someday. How do I know this? Because in all of her infinite boredom of recovering on the couch, present-day michelle went back to December 2009’s cookie blog and read what past Michelle had posted.

Present day Michelle enjoyed the stories, the pictures, the recipes & the comments. It was all so well documented. Present day Michelle found it awesome that she was one click away from an amazing mint chocolate chip recipe.

So present day Michelle is hoping that future Michelle will have the same experience . When an occasion to cook a kohlrabi or fennel bulb or a refrigerator full of lettuce, or garlic scapes or escarole… future Michelle will be able to search said blog and BAM! there it will be!

So thank you, Michelle, for following me ..I  f I were to do a giveaway, you’d be a shoe-in as the winner! Maybe I should do just that….

ok.. back to present-day posting.. I promised zucchini.. so zucchini you’ll receive

now I want a cookie.


  1. This cracked me up! You have more than one follower 😉 I love reading your blogs.


  2. Thanks, Heather! Can you tell that I didn't sleep last night?


  3. I want a cookie too!


  4. I read too! Can I have oatmeal raisin? 🙂


  5. Cookies for everyone as soon as it cools down…


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